Who we are and why we are here:

'He' started out at 450 lbs. 'She' started out at 300 lbs (although had been as high as 330 lbs at one point). Between them they've lost weight, gained weight, and learned a lot along the way.

What you'll find here are our educated thoughts, opinions, and tips for a healthier lifestyle. 'He' minored in psychology, 'she' majored in history - two research heavy fields that have made them both skeptical and able to weed through the sludge in order to find gems. Neither of us is perfect by any means, but as much as possible, we will try not to lead you astray with unfounded, sensational, or fad information.

We are intentionally avoiding fad diets, expensive meal plans, and other extreme (expensive!) weight loss plans.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Trying for weekly update...

Last week was okay.  Not good, but okay.  Some ups and downs, some feeling fatter, but getting complimented a couple times for looking like I've lost weight.  Always weird.

Peanut Butter... So, I thought the Skippy I bought before was 210 calories per serving and the delicious reduced fat was 180 so hey; saving 30, right?  I went to buy a new jar, got looking and realized the regular Skippy is 190 so it only saves 10 calories.  Don't care though.  I still, personally, think it tastes better.

Which is my segue into nuts.  First, I don't like nuts.  I like the flavor of almonds and on occasion I'll snack on some pistachios, but in general, I don't like nuts.  I don't buy them and usually pass them up at a snack bar.

So often, people will offer me some nuts.  "No, thanks" because good manners says keep it simple.  Why in this world do people need to say "NO!  I'm deathly allergic." With that implied sound of "How dare you offer?" (leading me to other rude behaviours like launching into a medical history including diseases and problems for which people haven't been diagnosed, but they exhibit one or two symptoms on a small scale so are convinced they have it and the whole world should feel sorry for them or give allowances for their rude or ignorant behaviour because of it.  End rant...sorry)

"They're good for you."  Sometimes I slip up and respond to this with "nuts are kind of high in calories and I've been dieting, you know, so thanks, but I'm okay."  I'm still polite, but.... this always ALWAYS leads to "But they are good fats."

Yes.  Nuts have good fats.  Nuts are kind of good for you - within reason.  I often want to launch into a moderation speech, but always refrain myself.  The fact is, nuts have good fats, but too much of them is still not good.  There are serving size suggestions on bags of nuts just like every other food, but I'll see people complain they can't lose weight, thinking that eating good fats is a good way to fill up, and eat a tube of nuts that is supposed to serve 3 people.  This is why the calorie method is just simpler.  It might not be comprehensive, but just like people who exhibit one symptom of asperger's syndrome don't necessarily have it, those who know only a little about nutrition should not act like nutritionists. (See how I brought that back to my earlier rant?  It's like I planned it!)  It's complicated.  The calorie method is simple.

I am aware I'm in the minority, though, because the new fad is Fitness Pal and once again, it didn't help me.  Doctor's say they have way more success with patients who use groups and things like that, but it has never worked for me and though nothing else is working right now, when things WERE working, those groups halted progress and then I progessed again as soon as I stopped participating.

Clearly, I'm meant to be a lonely soul.

And now the smoking.  Cut way way back, good.  Quit altogether?  {deep breath}  No.  Seriously, it's easier to quit smoking than to diet, though, so I know I can do it.  Getting there.  Not more than 24 hours, but close.  Close.  Trigger today is that I'm going out with the person who started me smoking again.  I know she won't pressure me, but still, the temptation is there.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Yes, moderation in all things!!! Even healthy fats or carbs or protien or whatever!!! My food rant? When people tell me something is healthy because the label says less that 100 calaroies, but when you read the ingredients it is all sugar!!! Yes, less than 100 calories is good....but not all sugar!!! Sometimes I avoid triggers because I am so scared I will fail, but I also wonder if that is really the best way to live in life! I am a loner too....so not good at group meetings (even on-line), much rather do it my way. :)
